Privacy Policy

Even when you're just hanging out on our website, you don't have to tell us anything about yourself unless you really need to.

At ToolsFobia, we're really serious about keeping your personal stuff private, and we promise to never share it with anyone else without you saying it's okay. Even when you're just hanging out on our website, you don't have to tell us anything about yourself unless you really need to.

Here's the deal: sometimes we need to know a bit about you so we can make your visit to our website even better. This might include letting you know about cool updates or offers. We might get this info when you sign up, check out our site, chat with us, or through other ways. But don't worry, we won't spill the beans without your permission, and that goes for dealing with other websites too.

Here's a quick guide to what we'll chat about:

  • What This Privacy Policy Covers: Just the basics of what and who this policy is all about.
  • Saying "Yes": By using our site, you're cool with this privacy policy and our rules.
  • The Info We Collect: Only the essentials to make things better for you.
  • How We Use Your Info: To stop bad stuff, send you updates, and make our site awesome.
  • Log Data: Just some technical bits to keep things running smoothly.
  • Cookies: Tiny helpers that remember your likes on our site.
  • Cookie Choices: How to say no to cookies if you want.
  • Changing or Deleting Your Info: Just let us know, and we'll help out.
  • Our Ad Buddies: They show ads, but we keep things clear and private.
  • Other Sites' Rules: This is about us, not them.
  • Ad Partners' Privacy Stuff: They have their own rules, but we're not in charge of their cookies.
  • Your California Rights: You've got the power to know and control your info.
  • Your GDPR Rights: If you're in the EU, you've got lots of control over your info.
  • Kids' Privacy: No snooping for anyone under 13.
  • Updates to This Policy: We might tweak this, so check back!
  • Google Stuff: We use Google Analytics to get to know our visitors better.
  • Got Questions?: Shoot us an email, and we'll chat!

Saying "Yes": When you start exploring our website, you're automatically giving us the thumbs up to this privacy policy and our terms. It's like saying, "I've read and agree to this."

The Info We Collect: We only ask for your details when it's really necessary, like to make your experience better. This might be your contact info or what you're into.

How We Use Your Info: We're not nosy; we just ask for what we need. We use your info to keep things safe, talk to you, improve our site, and maybe even send you something special.

Log Data: This is techy stuff that helps us understand who visits our site and how they use it. It's all about making things better for you.

Cookies: These are tiny bits of info that help us remember what you like. It makes your visits more personal and fun.

Cookie Choices: You're in control. If you're not into cookies, you can clear them out or set things up your way when you come back.

Changing or Deleting Your Info: Need a change or want something deleted? Just say the word, and we'll help you out. We might need to check it's really you first, though.

Our Ad Buddies: We let some trusted partners show ads here, but we keep your info safe and sound.

Other Sites' Rules: Just a heads-up, we're talking about our privacy moves, not anyone else's.

Your Rights: Whether you're in California or the EU, you've got rights over your info, like asking us what we have or saying "please delete."

Kids' Privacy: If you're under 13, we're extra careful. Parents, let us know if something's up, and we'll sort it.

Updates to This Policy: We might change things up, so come back and take a look to stay in the loop.

Google Stuff: We're buddies with Google Analytics to understand our visitors better, all within Google's privacy rules.

Got Questions?: If you're curious or need more info, shoot us an email at We're here to help!

And that's the scoop on keeping your info safe and sound with us. Thanks for stopping by ToolsFobia!